Takashi Kamide BIO
He started playing classical piano when he was six years old.
学生時代にJazzピアノを始め、その後本格的に学ぶために渡米。奨学金を得て、ピアノをBilly Taylar、音楽理論をTed Dubarに学ぶ。
He started playing Jazz piano as a student and then moved to the US to study it seriously. He was awarded a scholarship to study piano with Billy Taylar and music theory with Ted Dubar.
He began his career as a jazz pianist. At the same time, he encountered the accordion. Feeling the unknown potential of this instrument, he began to study it.
He received an accordion from Shigeru Yasuda, one of Japan’s leading accordionists, which is one of the few accordions in the world (this is the only one that is currently in playable condition). In order to play this instrument, he switched from keyboard accordion to button accordion.
Self-taught freebass accordion (Quint and Chromatic).
In 2008, he held a solo exhibition of music and photography with the Swiss photographer Daniel Botras. The exchange between Geneva and Japan has deepened.
Produced music for NHK and at the request of Daiichi Corporation. Participated in the film music production of Yoshihiro Hanno.
In 2010 and 2011, he played solo accordion at America’s largest MEDIA event, SXSW, for two consecutive years. After performing a rare encore, the audience gave him a standing ovation, and his musicianship was highly praised.
In 2012, he participated in the Canadian Music Festival.
In 2013, he started making music with an accordina, synthesizers and computer sound sources. A private studio was set up so that mixing and mastering could be done completely.
Since 2015, he has been distributing music produced in his private studio on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and other platforms.
2018年、MusicFreaksを設立。音楽制作、素材の販売を開始する。KORG Gadget を使った作曲コンテスト「Gadget Sonic 2018」にて最優秀賞を獲得。
In 2018, he founded MusicFreaks.He began creating music and selling music production and materials. He also won the top prize at Gadget Sonic 2018, a composition contest using Korg Gadget.
2019年、YouTubeチャンネル「KAMIDE’s MusicFreaks」の運営を開始。
In 2019, he launched his YouTube channel, KAMIDE’s MusicFreaks.
2020年、公益財団法人日本音楽教育文化振興会が主催する作曲コンテスト、Sound Creator of The Year ファイナリストに選出される。自身のWebサイト、musicfreaks.jpにて楽曲提供を開始する。
In 2020, he was selected as a finalist for Sound Creator of The Year, a music composition contest sponsored by the Japan Music Education and Culture Foundation. Started offering music on his own website, musicfreaks.jp
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